'Made in Australia, highest quality components'.

Niestone Pow3r Wax is a unique molten chain wax developed to withstand the harshest of environments. Wherever you ride - be it hot, cold, dry or wet - Niestone Pow3r Wax's long lasting, water and dust resistant formula offers premium lubrication for your chain.
Why wax?
Think you're working hard on the bike?
Your chain is working harder!
For every minute you spend pedalling, your chain is making over 35,000 link movements, involving six distinct metal on metal interactions. That translates to over 200,000 individual friction-creating occurrences per minute. Friction causes wear, and a worn chain will quickly lead to deterioration of the rest of your drivetrain -- which in turn will quickly lead to deterioration of your bank account!
A good lubricant is paramount in order to smooth all this metal-on-metal contact. Immersive molten waxing has been shown in independent testing to far outscore other types of lubricants in efficiency, longevity and contaminant resistance.
Why Niestone Pow3r Wax?
Niestone have developed Pow3r Wax to be an easy to apply molten chain wax, suitable for Road, MTB. CX, Triathlon, Ebikes, Commuters and Touring bikes.
Niestone Pow3r Wax is made from highly refined paraffin wax, with top quality additives (PTFE (Teflon) and WS2 Tungsten Disulphide) using nanoparticle technology. This has resulted in an immersive molten wax that is long lasting with exceptional anti-wear properties. Its ability to fully penetrate and adhere to all parts of the chain allow it to repel friction-creating contaminants for between 300 to 500kms, while providing superior lubrication and quiet, super smooth riding.
A chain protected by Niestone Pow3r Wax can be expected to last up to three times longer and will also save a healthy 5+ watts -- the best watts per dollar improvement money can buy!